We always want to know who was first. The first people to settle in the territory, the first sailor to arrive on the continent ... the first lichenicolous fungus to be introduced to the country.
Ukraine has a significant history of lichenological research, but you still manage to find previously unknown articles published more than a century ago. And this is beautiful, because the old records and articles can hold a lot of interesting things.
Today (9.08.2021), I'm working on an old article (published in 1865) about Carpathians lichens by Hungarian lichenologist Frigyes Hazslinszky. It's a very nice article with unique comments about species?. Also, the author reported Buellia urceolata Th. Fr. (current name Sclerococcum urceolatum (Th. Fr.) Ertz & Diederich) on Biatora (=Lecanora) polytropa. I was really surprised because we did not mention this species in our lichenicolous checklist (Darmostuk & Khodosovtsev 2017). But when I looked at a few checklists (Kondratyuk et al. 2010, 2021) I find this species name in the list. Hmm?..is it really this species from Hazslinszky or this is something else? some "ghost"? .... just to be sure, I go through the references and try to find the original article where this species was published. And surprise, it was not Hazslinszky (1865). It was published as Melaspilea urceolata (Fr.) Almb. by Coppins et al (2001) about new lichen records from Crimea. And I think it is at least strange, one species has a distinct thallus and 1-septate ascospores, instead, another one has a lichenicolous lifestyle and 3-septate ascospores, and they were merged to the one species?
So much confusion. Looking a little bit deeply at this question I found that those are two different species with the same epithet - Sclerococcum urceolatum (Th. Fr.) Ertz & Diederich (Basidiom: Buellia urceolata Th. Fr.) and Melaspilea urceolata (Fr.) Ertz & Diederich (Basidiom: Lecanactis urceolata Fr.). This bug should be taken into account and fixed in the future checklist.
Actually, following Triebel (1989) and host species record by Hazslinszky should be used as Buellia urceolata auct. ? Sclerococcum deminutum (Th. Fr.) Ertz & Diederich).
Anyway, this (Sclerococcum urceolatum) is the oldest record of lichenicolous fungi in Ukraine.